Friday, March 14, 2014

Let Me Explain

Greetings, Readership!

This blog exists for the sake of a class I'm taking this spring semester 2014 titled "Global Investigations: London" in which we are charged with the task of creating a research project relating a personal interest [within our fields of study] to London--makes sense, right?

So! Thus we reach the project: I'm studying gender/sexuality fluidity in London and the dynamics of both the cultural response(s) and the laws applicable, particularly regarding marriage laws, abortion, etc.

The obvious first question is "Why on earth are you interested in that if you're an English major?"
Because I'm a human rights activist and a post-feminist/queer theorist. See elaborations/explanations here. Because I watch a vast collection of programs which feature non-hetero relationships and dynamics, have friends who are non-hetero, transgender, etc., and because I follow a number of artists (both musical and otherwise) who are distinctly non-hetero.

London is a major cultural hub for the entire world; what happens in London has a ripple effect across cultures spanning thousands of miles and changing perspectives or practices. Their programs have international reach (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Torchwood, Downton Abbey, etc) and their scientists are working alongside others from other countries to figure out causes/etc. In fact, scientists have recently discovered that homosexuality is linked to a particular gene*.

My presence in London will allow me key opportunities to do some pointed people-watching, with an aim to hopefully gauge some reactions to openly non-hetero/non-traditional persons. Not only that, but I should also be able to access some of the legal documents that I would need to view in order to get a feel for how the law handles the fluidity there. As is often the case in dynamic cultures, there is [likely] a dichotomy between what the law tolerates/allows and what is tolerated/allowed/accepted by the people themselves.

I do hope that you join me on this exciting adventure over my spring break, because I'm quite certain that I'll have at least a few noteworthy adventures. I mean, come on:

I'm going to London!

*(Sample, Ian. "Male Sexual Orientation Influenced by Genes, Study Shows." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 14 Feb. 2014. Web. Feb 2014)

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